Tabling Request Form

Please become familiar with our Tabling Policy and then submit the form below, one submission per store. Our Tabling policy has changed effective Friday, October 21st, so please review even if you’ve tabled before.

When looking for a response, please check your email’s junk folder before contacting us, particularly if you use Gmail.

We require one week notice for all tabling requests. No phone calls please.

Our Tabling Policies

Use of the space outside of Good Earth to interact with our customers is limited to non-profit organizations AND is subject to approval. We do not currently allow for tabling outside of our Mill Valley store. We do not allow the sale of any goods or services, or asking for donations even if it’s for a charity/non-profit.

Organizations must submit a Tabling Request Form at least ONE WEEK in advance. If approved, you will receive an email with Tabling Reservation Confirmation. Tabling sessions are limited to 4 hours.

Tabling is restricted to one organization per day. Organizations are limited to table up to 3 days per week, only 5 days in any 30-day period, with a maximum of 15 days a year at each of our stores. We will not schedule more than 3 days of tabling for any given week, period.

Tabling is restricted to the Center Blvd entrance at our Fairfax store. Your table must be at least 10 ft from the door off to the side. Customers must have a clear unobstructed path in and out of our entrance. We ask that you remain seated at your table. We will provide the table and chairs.

Appropriate signage of your particular non-profit on the table is required. This will benefit our customers by allowing them to identify your organization from a short distance.

We reserve reserves the right to revoke permission for tabling at any time, including while the organization is on premises, due to customer complaints or other issues.

What to do day of tabling

Please print out the confirmation email and bring it with you on the day of your tabling. When looking for a response, please check your email’s junk folder before recontacting us, particularly if you use Gmail.

If you are tabling at the Fairfax store, use the west end of our west parking lot (beyond Java Hut). Close parking is for unloading only!
If “No Show” we will remove your organization from future consideration.

Store Location
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time(s) Requested *
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